how to grill chicken drumsticks

How To Grill Chicken Drumsticks


Hello everyone and welcome! In today’s article, we will discuss how to grill chicken drumsticks. We have a fantastic recipe for you today that’s going to be an absolute crowd-pleaser. It’s going to make your kids just drool. They’re going to request this daily, and we’re going to do it today to make them just juicy and wonderful.

We’re going to do a couple of cool little gear items as well. But we’re going to have a blast. It’s a beautiful day here in Colorado, and we’re excited to be cooking. hey, today’s recipe You can head down below into the description section There’s a link there where you can click print and follow along You can grab this recipe Add it to the collection of Ace recipes that you have and come along with us as we walk through a little bit of prep. We’re going to show you some of the gear, get the grill fired up and then it’s time to get cooking.


okay, I’m deck for ingredients today we’ve got a couple of rubs to start it off so we can use a little bit of link and rubba-dub– we’re gonna mix those guys these are the chicken drumsticks that we bought I have the grocery store we went with just a good solid chicken drumstick that didn’t have any solution or injection in it the beautiful part is we’re gonna add a little bit of oil some of our wings can rub it up to this we’re gonna mix these guys up let them sit in the fridge for 3-4 hours so they really can absorb some of that flavor then we’re gonna glaze them today with a combination of high altitude barbecue sauce fire honey and some of our sweet soy sauce ah that’s gonna I think to make this all come together nicely.

how to grill chicken drumsticks

If you don’t have sweet soy sauce don’t sweat it regular soy sauce works just fine today we’re going on the technology front so we’re gonna use our Weber connect smart grilling hub this is going to do a nice job of allowing us to plug into those chicken drumsticks track their temperature now giving us the option to spend a little bit more time hanging out with our kids hanging out in the house instead of tending to the grill then this guy right here the grill mark wing rack that is super cool because now I’ll be able to get these guys to rub let them soak and then we’re gonna hang them on here let them roast and do their thing before we take them off put them onto the grill grates to get that final glaze so next up let’s uh do some prep work get these guys in the fridge and then let them soak the.


The easiest part of this is getting the prep work done and it’s very simple. We added our chicken legs and there are about eight of them here. We have two pounds of chicken legs now. What we’re going to do is, as we always say, add just a light coating of oil. We just want the oil to coat these guys to help the rub stick so we’ll keep one hand free. We’ll give these guys a mix here real quick to get that all stirred up and now it’s time to season again, as much or as little as you like.

how to grill chicken drumsticks

I think I started us off here with a couple of tablespoons of each so we’re going to go ahead and get that rub it-up added and then as we get that mixed in real quick, we’ll go ahead now and top it off with our ink all right and the goal with these guys is just to get it mixed nice and then we’re going to pop them in the fridge and yeah, I always say we’re going to let them soak for a few hours I think probably four is my suggestion to you just to give them a chance to get coated and that’s okay, the legs have had a chance to soak we’re getting ready to cook these guys off first thing

Preheat Grill

What I wouldn’t do is go ahead and add that chicken leg rack to the Weber right I want that to preheat with the grill, so we’ll go ahead and turn these guys on push ignite let them go and now we’re going to go ahead and let this get up to that 400-degree temperature, then it is time to get cooking all right, as well as

how to grill chicken drumsticks


You can see we’ve loaded our legs on there; we’ve got them all set on the rack, and now I picked one of the bigger guys because I left him out. What I’m going to do is put that probe in there, and I’m loading that guy in there not right on the bone but close to the biggest part right there and we’re going to go ahead and hang that guy now. All right now that we’ve got that probe loaded in, we are set to go so we’re going to go ahead and close this lid. We are now going back up to 400 degrees. We will now likely allow these guys to cook off.

I would say about 25 to 30 minutes our goal is to get them to 155 degrees then we’re going to take them off the rack put them on the grates do some cooking while the chicken legs are cooking is a perfect time to go ahead and get our glaze so I’ve got our basting pot what we’re going to do is start with 1/2 a cup of our high altitude barbecue sauce and then we’ll add to that again a quarter cup of fire honey nice and spicy beautiful sweet fire honey and then we’ll add our quarter cup of sweet soy sauce like I said you can add regular if you don’t have it now we’ll get this all mixed up and then right towards the end.

how to grill chicken drumsticks

We’re gonna go ahead and get these guys glazed up but that’s it look at that beautiful easy simple delicious glaze okay well we just hit that 1:55 mark now we’re gonna go ahead and take these guys off I’m just gonna set them here in the front real quick because we want to take that chicken leg rack off now what we’re doing is getting a little bit of char on the outside right we want to crisp up that chicken skin and get these guys set to go we’ll get this guy set to the side as well then we’ll go ahead and move our rack off all right we got rid of the chicken rack now I lined these guys up kind of three by three by two I left that probe in there because I want that to track the temperature now it is time to get these guys their first glaze so what I’m gonna do is take that and glaze these guys on the top here what I’m going to do is glaze them let them go for five or six minutes with the lid covered so that.

We can continue to get these things just shiny, beautiful, and gorgeous, and then we’ll open it up rotate them, and glaze the other side Okay, time to give these guys a little rotation, and then it is time to do glaze number two and I’ll probably go ahead and glaze them a couple more times just to make sure I get a perfect glaze on here I just, yeah, wow, look at that. I want a beautiful color here. I’m looking for gorgeous bronzed chicken legs but I also really want to make sure I get that chicken skin nice and crispy. And the beauty of the Weber Connect is that now I can track that temperature and I don’t have to worry about looking in multiple times; I can just keep the lid closed and do my grilling. That is beautiful doneness.

how to grill chicken drumsticks

The Finished Plate

We got a great glaze on there; we crisped up that chicken skin and that is fantastic It’s time to head back to the cutting board, where we do what we always do: a little quality control, well, like I said


This was easy, right? We let them sit in the fridge for a few hours to absorb the marinade. Then, hot and fast on the Weber, these guys took 35 minutes to get up to that hundred and seventy-three degrees. We glazed them at the end, put them on the grill, great, and then, you know, at the very end, you could add a bit of extra glaze for your kids. But this was easy. There are not a lot of ingredients, but there is an amazing amount of flavor.

how to grill chicken drumsticks

Don’t forget to head down to the description section. You can click Print and follow along. We’ve got a link for you to save today’s recipe as well. Follow the article and tell all of your friends to click on the notifications You’ll be notified when our ASS recipe videos go live You don’t want to miss out on this fantastic content, that is for sure and then, like we always say, leave your comments down below, leave your questions down below, tell us what we can do to be more helpful and let us know what you’d like to learn as well. This is all about you, so we want to make sure you have the amazing recipes you need to be legends in the backyard cooking circuit.

Don’t forget, at the end of this, we won’t leave you hanging. we’ve got a couple of great videos at the end we did a grilled New York with some roasted mushrooms that were absolutely fantastic and then dessert, yeah we’ve got you covered on dessert we did roasted strawberries with grilled pound cake that is just you know what download it make it a couple of times don’t tell anyone you got it from me and you’ll be set so I’m chef Jason Morris hardware grilling expert thank you for hanging out I’m gloving up because it’s time for quality control and this quality control is just a little bit messy right but that’s okay so Cheers oh happy cousin.

how to grill chicken drumsticks


As such, season the chicken properly with your favorite herbs and spices before putting them on a hot (preferably wood) fire, and, most of all, pay close attention throughout the process of cooking and ensure that your drumsticks don’t get burned. Make sure that you let the chicken rest for a while after the grilling to give the juices a chance to reach each part of the chicken for the most juice-filled and tasty result. So, grab your smoke drumstick sticks with you and bite on them as they are, or put them up with your beloved dipping sauces and sides!

how to grill chicken drumsticks

FAQs about how to grill chicken drumsticks

How long do you grill chicken drumsticks?

25–40 minutes, depending on the heat. Use a thermometer (165°F) for perfect results!

Should I boil drumsticks before grilling?

Skip boiling! Season the raw drumsticks and grill them directly. Boiling can dry them out.

How do you grill drumsticks without burning them?

Turn frequently, med-heat, and avoid packing the grill.

Does chicken drumstick make its sizzling and crackling noise in its downy over the grill?

No sweat! Just stick a thermometer in at 165°F for drumsticks.

How long does it take to grill drumsticks on low heat?

Low heat takes longer, around 30–40 minutes, but keeps drumsticks juicy!

Do drumsticks take longer to cook?

Drumsticks and thighs cook similarly, while breasts cook a bit faster.

how to grill chicken drumsticks

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